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Writer's pictureAllie Siegel

Balanced intention-setting

Over and over I hear from clients (and I know these feelings personally) things like:

  • How do I constructively integrate better habits for lasting change?

  • I'm so overwhelmed- there's no time

  • How do I even know where I really want to be headed?

  • If I do know, how do keep focused on the bigger picture when there's always something more immediate to take care of?

For me, this all comes back to two really critical skills:

1) Balanced intention setting

2) Harnessing the mind-body connection

I've explored, toyed & tinkered with the practices and science behind these for MANY YEARS now. I've always my own guinea pig, then family and friends. When I finally took the leap to start my own practice - Tula Creative - I started sharing - just a little - with clients.

If I'm totally honest, it's taken me a loooong time to come to grips with sharing them more broadly. Partly it was a fear of being seen as too "woo" - I relish the authority of scientific research.

In addition to working on my own limiting belief there, it helps that the scientific research on the neurophysiological underpinnings and sheer power of the mind-body connection keeps growing. (Here's one place to start: Mind and Body Lab)

Which brings me to a soft-launch of a new mini-series: Balanced Basics.

Starting with a series of short virtual sessions, I'll invite you to explore some of the foundational tools & practices for your OWN path to balance and thriving.

These will evolve as I learn from this next experiment - that's one thing I really believe in. But here's some of where I'll start:

  1. Intentions "energy mapping"

  2. The simplest framework

  3. Attention patterns 1: How to focus

  4. Attention patterns 2: How to think outside the box

  5. Mind-mapping your north star

  6. Learning your mind-body type

  7. Creative vs. reactive capacities

  8. Core value & belief mapping

This is (hopefully) just the beginning.....

With love & gratitude,


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